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January 17, 2010 - Sidebar fixed, as well as the design errors in the website that were only visible in Internet Explorer (thanks to PasswordOwned). Also, some toolbar updates were made. Get the toolbar

January 14, 2010 - There have been some technical problems with the website. The sidebar is now at the bottom, and the whole website seems different in Internet Explorer. These technical difficulties should be fixed soon.

January 14, 2010 - All previous news deleted from board.


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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Interactive Buddy Trainer

Here's a very small Interactive Buddy Trainer. I don't have time to add much to it, so it just has an Insert Money cheat and a Knock Out cheat. Click Here to get it. I'll try to make a better one some other time. Hope you like it!


Anonymous said...


can u provide me a gaia fishing trainer ?

thx in advance

mariomansp said...

Sorry, I know nothing about Gaia, but theres a Gaia Fishing Bot at