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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Stickarena Map Packs!

I totally forgot about these! On my very very old website for hacking Stickarena I made some Map Packs. If you don't know, Map Packs are things that allow you to play custom made maps. I used a Stickarena Map Editor by Jared. I have 4 different ones. V1 is bad, V2 only has a few more, V3 is great and V4 has like 25-40 maps excluding the original SA maps. To use a map pack just extract the folder and then double click on the "Game" file. Then in Stickarena create a game and there is the list of maps, with mine added! To everyone else they're either on a blank black course or on some other normal course, so you can't really play with them. However if a friend of yours is using the map pack also, then you can play the custom courses with them. Well, here they are! (Remember to extract)
Map Pack V1
Map Pack V2
Map Pack V3
Map Pack V4
Enjoy! :D


matthew said...

i wanted map maker but i got a cheat system i already got and yours doesnt even work and since i got your 1 cos i thought it was map maker but it wasnt i got v1 and it made my v3 cheat hacking machine stop working!!!!!!!!!!!!please tell me how to get a map maker for stick arena and my email is

matthew said...

never mind i read a post and it said map maker 1 sucked

matthew said...

map maker 4 didnt make maps!!!!!!!!!!!!! =@im furious now. losing my hacking is bad enough but your systems dont even work!!!!!!!!!!!!!just tell me

mariomansp said...

i emailed u the same thing im about to say...

These arent map makers, they're map packs, which mean s they have my custom made maps...

To get a map maker, go to my youtube channel at and theres a video about an SA map editor with a download link.

mariomansp said...

sorry i dont think that link worked.

try here

matthew said...

well i looked at the movie and at the end when it said it would give me a description it didnt
