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January 17, 2010 - Sidebar fixed, as well as the design errors in the website that were only visible in Internet Explorer (thanks to PasswordOwned). Also, some toolbar updates were made. Get the toolbar

January 14, 2010 - There have been some technical problems with the website. The sidebar is now at the bottom, and the whole website seems different in Internet Explorer. These technical difficulties should be fixed soon.

January 14, 2010 - All previous news deleted from board.


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Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Header

Well you may have noticed my new header! I made it in Photoshop CS3. It has a picture of Fox because he is my best (and favorite) character in the Super Smash Bros. series, even though my name is Marioman Sp. Tell me what you think about it!

In other news, I see that I'm not getting as many visitors as before, so please tell your friends about this blog!

In other other news, I'm leaving tommorrow to go to another camp, and won't be back untill Friday :'(.

In other other other I'm working on the second of my The Adventures of Block Boy series, only this one will be way better. This one will include:

1. A real start menu
2. Different weapons
3. Block Battle (2-Player) mode!
4. The Ability to save and load the game
5. Instructions on how to play
6. More enemies!
7. A real story line
8. A Shop (maybe)
9. Much better graphics!
Also, I may need some beta testers (MAY) so if you'd like to be one, leave a comment!

-Marioman Sp


spacechase0 said...

I would to be a beta tester, the first one was fun!

mariomansp said...

ok, but it may take a while

Marius said...

Mario, just send me the pics of the enemy's and I will make em in photoshop.