Anyways, to the point - I decided to make a Stickarena Demo Trainer. Here's a screenshot:
(Click here to see all of it)
Now, not all hacks will work. I just used my memory and looked back at my old SA files to get the variables. However, I did test the main things (pretty much everything on the left, except color hacks) and they all work, I believe. Without further ado...
Small FAQ Guide:
Q: Some of my hacks don't work!
A: Yes, I mentioned that some hacks may not work.
Q: Why aren't you making another SAB trainer?
A: Well frankly, I don't like mods getting all over me.
Q: I love you
A: I love me too
Q: Can you teach me your 1337 skills, or where you learned them?
A: Sure,
-Marioman Sp
And You Yell At Me For No Creds To Jake... lol
hey olli3 can you plz send me pass for the brand new v4 ballistick trainer i dont have my accont approved yet on the cheat engine but i have a msn if you can plz send me the pass my msn is
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